viewing guide

Posts with 'IWP' as their title are my Independent Work Process for Assessment purpose. Searching for 'IWP' on the search bar on the left filters out other researches and materials.

Thursday 26 March 2015

IWP- Statement.

The major aim for this 2D animation was to improve my use of program, my skill of video editing, time management and also to explore the potential of combining digital and traditional components.
The storyline and the character, which I did not spend too much time struggling with, are the anchor points indicating what I should do in each stage of making, so I stay on track and not waste my time creating unnecessary elements that I end up not presenting.
The story and some of the emotive moments in the final video can also be seen as a way to cover up my amateur-level of editing skill. Setting the theme of 'dream sequence' opened up some space to import and put together some abstract elements and the simple, looping GIF animations I've been making in the most logical way. I've moved from one medium to another, back and forth, to keep my process always fresh and enjoyable, and for more interesting visual result.

 I might be able to improve the work by fixing some visual errors and even compose sounds with better equipments, but I am not too concerned about the animation as it is now.

 With this animation being done, I might go learn what I always wanted to do, which is to model and animate in 3D digital format. The first animation could be considered as my 'safety project' that provides me this opportunity. Even though I might spend my rest of the semester experimenting and learning new techniques and not have anything presentable at the end, I'll still have the very first project for the assessment to show.