viewing guide

Posts with 'IWP' as their title are my Independent Work Process for Assessment purpose. Searching for 'IWP' on the search bar on the left filters out other researches and materials.

Saturday 28 February 2015

IWP-Drawing the Background elements & the 'Planet'

Watercolour, Graphite Crayon, Inkwash, Pen.

IWP-Visual Diary - Week 1-2

Sketching basic ideas about the story and the concept.

Specific key scenes briefly describing the story
and deciding on what programs and sounds to use.

Character design & the story based around the character.



Overview of what had been done before week 2.

Counting frames and sketching out images that need to be included.

Choosing the medium for drawing the 'still-images'.

Friday 27 February 2015

Some Video Inspirations

These are some videos that I wanted to suggest to some of the people who had presentations today.

Thursday 26 February 2015

IWP-Progress 3

Drawing the still-image using Photoshop.

IWP-Progress 2

This is the little 'planet' that the main character will be sitting on. 
It is not complete as I will be adding the traditionally drawn versions of the planet as well,
but how I want it to work is pretty much what you can see above.

Template for the 'Planet', to be printed out and drawn over.


IWP-Visual Diary 1

This is just a brief look at my Visual Diary, which actually has more than just these...

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Tuesday 24 February 2015

IWP- GIF progress

Used Pencil2D and Photoshop to make the GIF file.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Audio Spectrum Test Video

Practicing what I've learnt so far.
Had so much trouble rendering in the right size.
Good to know how things work before the big job.

Audio composer: Kikuo

How to Add the Twitch Effect in Sony Vegas.

Sony Vegas BEST Render Settings + Color Correction Tutorial - Get AMAZIN...

Just in case I find it hard to use After Effects

Friday 20 February 2015

After Effects: How to Render Faster and Easier

I had problems with rendering in After Effects, so I looked up on this for help.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Sound Effect - Heart Monitor & Water Drop

Royalty Free Sound

Flash and Photoshop Animation Compilation

AFTER EFFECTS TUTORIAL - Animate Butterfly / Bird


Bluecave / kikuo feat.si_ku

An example work of the Japanese Singer/Artist/Animator that I am really interest about.

Love her use of colour.

After Effects Tutorial- Audio Spectrum

 Not necessary for the current project but something I wanted to make recently.

Tutorial - After Effect: Shake

The kind of effect I think would come handy for the project.